About Kalimba

What are the benefits of an acrylic kalimba?

It isn’t my intention to make Acrylic Kalimbas seem like a poor choice. I actually prefer my acrylic kalimba over my wooden ones, just because the sound is so beautiful...

What are the benefits of an acrylic kalimba?

It isn’t my intention to make Acrylic Kalimbas seem like a poor choice. I actually prefer my acrylic kalimba over my wooden ones, just because the sound is so beautiful...

Wood Vs Acrylic Kalimbas – Which Should You Cho...

If you’re getting ready to buy your first (or next!) kalimba, you may be wondering – should I get a wooden or Acrylic Kalimba? The truth is, there are subtle...


Wood Vs Acrylic Kalimbas – Which Should You Cho...

If you’re getting ready to buy your first (or next!) kalimba, you may be wondering – should I get a wooden or Acrylic Kalimba? The truth is, there are subtle...


How should I color the tines on my 17-Note kali...

The short answer: if you have a Hugh Tracey Treble Kalimba, in the key of G, butu with a low note of B, then paint five of the tines as...

How should I color the tines on my 17-Note kali...

The short answer: if you have a Hugh Tracey Treble Kalimba, in the key of G, butu with a low note of B, then paint five of the tines as...

What is the wood of the thumb piano?

 Music has become an indispensable part of our lives in modern society. We use music to communicate, we use music to fall in love, and use music to spread beautiful...

What is the wood of the thumb piano?

 Music has become an indispensable part of our lives in modern society. We use music to communicate, we use music to fall in love, and use music to spread beautiful...

Use a thumb piano music to raise an inch of lon...

Thumb piano kalimba knowledge   The origin and characteristics of the thumb piano kalimba. Thumb piano (or "Carlimba" in English: Carlimba) is a national musical instrument with ethnic characteristics in...

Use a thumb piano music to raise an inch of lon...

Thumb piano kalimba knowledge   The origin and characteristics of the thumb piano kalimba. Thumb piano (or "Carlimba" in English: Carlimba) is a national musical instrument with ethnic characteristics in...

About tuning a Kalimba

Kalimba Tuning CaringWhen you do not play the kalimba , please put your kalimba in the bag or box.·Please keep your kalimba in the environment of relative humidity betwveen 30-...

About tuning a Kalimba

Kalimba Tuning CaringWhen you do not play the kalimba , please put your kalimba in the bag or box.·Please keep your kalimba in the environment of relative humidity betwveen 30-...